Jellyfishing is the first segment of the third episode of SpongeBob.
SpongeBob and Patrick go jellyfishing. They catch a jellyfish, which stings them. They ask Squidward to join, and he says he'd love to but can't. While bike riding, a jellyfish goes into his mouth, causing him to fall off a cliff. He ended up having to go in a full body cast. SpongeBob and Patrick go into his house and welcome him. Patrick tries to feed him Alphabet Soup but it keeps getting on Squidward's face. SpongeBob plays Squidward's clarinet but comes out horrible. They both decide to take him jellyfishing. Patrick slams the net into Squidward's arm. He decides to catch a jellyfish and slams it onto a queen. He is getting chased until he gets stung. The next day SpongeBob and Patrick apologize by giving him a jellyfish. Squidward lets the jellyfish go. The queen returns and electrocutes Squidward.